Company Profiles / medicinal materials

       Qufu medicinal materials company limited under the Beijing food Refco Group Ltd subsidiary, the company has a registered capital of 63 million yuan, currently has the largest production scale with a production and operation of the most complete varieties of medicinal materials. The company was founded in 1997, after years of hard work, with dedication to quality and policy development the company has shown steady and healthy growth. The company now has the widest variety range of medicinal materials produced in the country.
       With total assets now close to 100,000,000 yuan, including fixed assets of 50 million yuan, covering an area of more than 60 acres and more than 260 employees......More>>


Have extensive experience


Strong technical strength


Strong production capacity


We are at your service

The company was founded in 1997, after several years of hard struggle, in line with the quality of survival, reputation and development policy
Steady, healthy and rapid development has become the production base of pharmaceutical excipients with the largest variety, the largest yield and the best benefit in China
Total assets of 100 million yuan, of which 50 million yuan of fixed assets, covers an area of more than 40000 square meters
Shandong food and Drug Administration approved high-tech pharmaceutical excipients production enterprises, mainly produces three series of pharmaceutical excipients, industrial excipients and raw materials packaging materials
Adhering to the principle of "customer satisfaction as the first priority", we will contribute first-class products and services to our customers and contribute to the development of the national pharmaceutical industry.
Company dynamics MEDICINAL MATERIALS 更多
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Industry trends / MEDICINAL MATERIALS 更多
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Equipment display / MEDICINAL MATERIALS 更多

Contact person:Mr. Yan
Mobile phone:13153778666
Address:Qufu City, Shandong

Copyright:QUFU MEDICINAL MATERIALS CO.,LTD     Technical support:JiNingGuGuo